Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mary Margaret Update
Mary Margaret has HER2-positive breast cancer. She will have surgery next week which will be followed by 12 months of chemo/treatment. Please continue to keep her, my brother and their children in your prayers.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Prayer Request/Breast Cancer Awareness

My sister-in-law, Mary Margaret Williams, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is 31 years old and a mother to two beautiful children, Jacob (4) and Lily (1). Please remember her and her family in your prayers. I will be posting updates as we have them.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure® recommends that you :
1. Know your risk
Talk to your family to learn about your family health history
Talk to your doctor about your personal risk of breast cancer
2. Get screened
Ask your doctor which screening tests are right for you if you are at higher risk
Have a mammogram every year starting at age 40 if you are at average risk
Have a clinical breast exam at least every 3 years starting at 20, and every year starting
at 40
3. Know what is normal for you and see your health care provider right away if you notice any of
these breast changes:
Lump, hard knot or thickening
Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening
Change in the size or shape of the breast
Dimpling or puckering of the skin
Itchy, scaly sore or rash on the nipple
Pulling in of your nipple or other parts of the breast
Nipple discharge that starts suddenly
New pain in one spot that doesn't go away
4. Make healthy lifestyle choices
Maintain a healthy weight
Add exercise into your routine
Limit alcohol intake
Learning how to do Breast Self-Exam
Women who choose to do breast self-exam should learn how to do so correctly. To find out how to do breast self-exam, ask a health care provider, call the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® breast care helpline, 1-877 GO GO KOMEN (1-877-465-6636) or click here for step-by step instructions.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Family Update
He spent Saturday in Auburn celebrating Jacob's 4th and Lily's 1st birthdays. I will post pictures soon (really)!
As for the Baby J on the way, she is doing well. I started medication for preterm labor yesterday. Hopefully it will do what it is supposed to and we will meet our little girl in March. If not, we just pray she waits another 6 weeks or so!
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. David is going to spend most of the week with his parents. Austin Kieff and I are going to stick around the house. We may go to Pensacola with my family on Thursday. If you are traveling, we pray that you have safe travels!! Regardless of where you spend the holiday have a safe and wonderful time and know that the Jordan Family is thankful for your friendship.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Promised pics are coming soon!
For those wondering, we are doing well. I go back to the doctor on Nov. 20th, so you can expect a baby update after the appointment.
Will post soon...promise!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
David and I have finally told most of our immediate family in person, so we thought we tell our friends and extended family next:
We are expecting a baby girl in March! She was a surprise and we were off to a rocky start, so we have been hesitant to share our news. Our last ultrasound was promising and we are finally getting to that excited stage. I finally purchased something pink last week J.
Austin Kieff is very excited to have a baby sister. He picked out her first Alabama outfit this weekend at the homecoming game. Hopefully we will find a cute Troy outfit at the game this weekend!
I hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful weekend. I will be posting pictures from the Homecoming game soon!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Austin Kieff and Football
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Promised photos...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday at the Doctor
After some blood work and a nasal smear we have two new antibiotics, a new nasal spray and new doses of our asthma and allergy meds. Bacteria seems to be the culprit and hopefully the new medicines will get rid of it! Dr. Block thinks his eye is fine, but if he continues to complain with it she wants it re-checked.
We had a wonderful surprise as we were leaving...Grandmama walked in for her afternoon children's clinic. Austin Kieff took an elevator ride upstairs and played in the chart room for a few minutes with Grandmama. David met us in the parking lot on his way back to work from lunch. Austin Kieff said "surprise to me," meaning his daddy's visit was a surprise. He was definitely glad to see him.
We finished our visit to Troy with a quick lunch at Santa Fe so that he could start his antibiotics as soon as they were filled. He is currently resting and hopefully on the fast road to feeling better!
I have a few new pictures to post and will try and do that soon. I must get to work (via remote connection) so that I can salvage some of the day!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Has it been that long?

Saturday, August 23, 2008
We are still here!
We enjoyed a quick trip to Auburn last Saturday. Austin Kieff enjoyed wearing Jacob's power ranger swimsuit and swimming in the big pool. He claimed to be Michael Phelps! If you had been in our home the week Michael Phelps was swimming the following are a few common phrases you would have heard, "go Michael Phelps," Phelps for the gold," "I swim like Michael Phelps," and my favorite happened in the bathtub one night after a gold medal win..."I big boy, I swim like Michael Phelps in my big pool (bathtub). Where's my gold metal mommy?"
Austin Kieff also enjoyed the gymnastics. He has danced, flipped and stood on his head more than I can count. His favorite move is, "watch me, watch me bust my butt." This is followed by him stripping down to his pullup and getting a backwards running start to fall flat on his bottom. He has had the most fun pretending to be in the Olympics! He also likes to watch those "naked girls play bolley ball." He is quite fond of saying "they need some close on" (think he has heard someone say that??). Of course this all while he prances around in his pullup!
Well we have spent a lazy day at home listening to the rain. We hope you have had a great couple of weeks!
Friday, August 8, 2008
86 Years Old
Aunt Ann and the Birthday Boy
The cake, a cream cheese pound cake with chocolate icing made by
Cakes by Teresa's Cake Art
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Joys of Parenthood
Today we went to church. It was just Austin Kieff and me because David was called in to work. On the ride home Austin Kieff told me "God made Austin." "God made mommy." "God made daddy too." "God makes everybody." I cannot wait to see how much more he says about his new class and their lessons each Sunday.
I love being a mom and I love watching Austin Kieff learn new things. I never thought counting to five would be a big accomplishment or being able to say LMNOP (those are the only letters he likes and he likes to say them really fast!).
Share your joys of parenthood...we would love to read your comments...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More pictures...
smith lake pictures...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Jack Day
If you are interested in a booth, prices are as follows:
Non-Food Vendor $25.00
Food Vendor $50.00
Student Organization $20.00
Electrical hook-up **add $10.00
Please email me if you are interested in a booth or more information about Jack Day! Jack Day is sponsored by Altrusa International of Jack, Alabama. Funds raised will be used to benefit the community.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
more problems
Monday, July 14, 2008
On a sad note, David's Uncle Buford Johns passed away this morning ending is battle with congestive heart failure. Please remember his family.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Trouble with Blogger...Recaps of the last 2 weeks
The week of the 4th of July I was off with Austin Kieff. We had a wonderful time. Austin Kieff and I went to ballgames to see his Uncle Duke (John Wayne) play. We traveled to Auburn to spend time with Uncle Grady, Aunt Mary Margaret, Jacob and Lily. He had a wonderful time playing at the park with Jacob. We concluded the week with a family trip to Cullman to visit David's family. Austin Kieff even had a birthday party with his Cullman Family! Most of our time there was spent on the shores of Smith Lake.
David really enjoys this trip every year. While it is only a brief visit, it reminds him of the summers he spent on the lake (literally...apparently the guys skied from sunup to sundown!). It is similar to the summers my family spent at my grandparents in Pensacola. We would drive to there beach house in Gulf Shores or my Aunt Sue would take us to Pensacola Beach. One of my favorite places to go was Pond Creek...this was my Aunt Ann's favorite.
Check the website for pictures...I have tried to update via blogger for over a week and cannot upload pictures...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Car!
We definitely recommend Jack Ingram Nissan in Montgomery, Alabama. The folks there are super nice and I was not treated like an ignorant female. If you are looking to buy, our salesman was Chuck Ammons. He was great!
Pictures will be posted soon :)...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
More Digital Pages
My First Digital Scrapbook Page
Father's Day Pictures

they continue to be great friends throughout life!
Birthday Party Pictures
The bouncy thing
Opening presents

Austin Kieff enjoying the party food at Anna's party