Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Brother

Tomorrow is my not so little anymore brother's 22nd birthday.  Wow.  Time has flown by.  This time twenty-two years ago both of my grandparents were up awaiting his arrival.  My world was about to change forever.  For less than two weeks shy of ten years, I had been my Momma's baby.  I remember so clearly going to school on February 23, 1990.  I was in Chris Sutley's fourth grade class at Zion Chapel Elementary School.  The same room that just happens to be Austin Kieff's kindergarten classroom.  It is kind of neat that we both started Zion Chapel in the same room.  I was so anxious about my little brother's arrival, but so excited to meet Ethan Boyd.  Yes, that was to be his name, Ethan Boyd Lambert.  Ethan from Paradise, a show we watched and Boyd after my mom's maiden name and my dad's best friend.  I remember sitting in class when someone came to the door and asked to see me.  It was Mrs. Shirley Goodson, the McGruff Lady to me at the time.  She told me my little brother had arrived.  I could not wait to meet him.  The school day could not go by fast enough.  For as anxious as I was about having a little brother...what if I dropped him, what if I broke him, what if a hundred and one other things...I was just as excited...a real LIVE baby doll. 

Well, in the 22 years that the world has been blessed to have my little brother he has been a myriad of things from aggravating to amazing.  Here are a few things about Mr. John Wayne Lambert (not Ethan Boyd...we were all shocked):
  • You will not meet a more honest person
  • You will not find a better friend
  • You will never wonder whether or not you are liked or despised
  • He is strong
  • He is smarter than I had any hopes of being
  • He is not as "laid back" as he seems
  • He is loyal
  • He possesses the ability to bring out the best in people...and sometimes the worst :)
  • He is funny
  • He is kind
  • He is a hero
  • He is a man of principal
  • He is an amazing Uncle
  • He is not and never was a real LIVE baby doll
  • He is the best little brother I could have ever hoped for
Happy 22nd Birthday John Wayne!!  We love you!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today was Austin Kieff's sixth (well technically fifth as he missed last week) Upward game.  Oh how I do LOVE to watch him play I just love to watch him . (period).

It was an early morning in the office for me so that I could take a very much extended lunch break.  I dropped AKJ's T-ball registration form and $ off at the school before stopping by the house on my way to Troy. There is so much excitement in our house on "Game Day."  I hope it is always like this.

This post is mainly for me, and because I want to remember "today."  While watching AKJ play a rather aggressive game of basketball of which I was not at all too happy with at times, but think he was definitely "on" as far as his defensive game goes...I reached over and hugged Caroline tight and said, "I love you so much!"  My sweet baby girl said, "I love you it again!"  So, I did it again...and again...and again...and again for good measure.

Back to the office I went this afternoon and left my little ones with their Daddy.  Entertaining them will definitely not be a problem today as Cousin Jacob and Cousin Lily are at Grandmomma and Papa's house!! 

Here is something I read that I want to might enjoy it, too:

Choosing joy is acknowledging that while I don't understand what's going on, God does.

Choosing joy is remembering that while life seems to be spiraling out of control, it is never out of God's control.

Choosing joy is remaining mindful that while my circumstances may feel anything but ideal, God still has my good and His glory in mind.