Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baby Update and Caroline's Tags

I spent half the day Wednesday in the hospital for observation. I was dehydrated and Caroline's heartbeat was a little irregular. An ultrasound was ordered and to my surprise I was able to spend over an hour watching my little girl. The lady doing the ultrasound was training and she needed practice, so I was more than happy to help out! I watched Caroline suck her thumb, stick her tongue out and put her hand under her chin. She was perfect and the estimate is that she ways almost 7 lbs!! Her lungs are not ready yet, but she is definitely of good enough size to join us "on the outside." I was released home to bed rest and am supposed to be taking in plenty of fluids.

These are scanned images, so they not too clear. I worked on them tonight while David and Austin Kieff attended a Troy University basketball game.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nursery Preview!

Look at these beautiful additions to the nursery courtesy of David's mom! Didn't she do a great job?!!

We put the changing table between Austin Kieff's and Caroline's room.
I just love the changing pad cover. It slips on like a pillow case and
will be so easy to take on and off for washing!

The diaper bag has several pockets on the inside and a great big pocket on the back.
Austin Kieff's was blue check with a frog. We will have both his and hers with us at the
hospital, although after 2 1/2 years his has definitely seen its better day!! It is his favorite
bag to take places.
The quilt is absolutely beautiful. It has the floral pattern on the front and the back
is pink minky dot. You cannot see it clearly but there is a beautiful handmade ruffle (it was only after making the ruffle by hand that Mrs. Charlene found out several of her friends and family had rufflers!). The boppy cover has the floral pattern on the front and the minky on the back and is finished with pink piping. Isn't the tiny blanket cute?!!

The bumper pad alternates the floral and pink fabric used on the bedskirt.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Baby Update

I am updating from work, taking a quick break, so this will be short. I was officially put on complete bedrest yesterday (can you tell I took that order seriously :)??). However, upon hearing this and my immediate response of, "there is no way," Dr. Logan and I had an extended conversation of why and the effects of not doing it. Since the why is primarily for my benefit and does not do much to help little Caroline, I am not going to follow orders for at least a couple of weeks. This should allow me to be in a better position at work to hand off the remainder of my yearend duties (SORRY Kelly!!).
The good news is that Caroline is doing very well. Dr. Logan will not stop my labor if Caroline decides to come. She did recommend continuing my medicine for a few more weeks if I wanted the best chance of not going into labor. So, I will definitely be doing that!! As for mom, I am in a pretty good bit of pain and swelling something crazy. Austin Kieff said my feet look like balloons. He found this incredibly funny. Despite his insensitive laughing, he did rub lotion on my feet, how sweet was that? He followed it up with a pat on my leg saying "Mommy I make you feel better." How sweet! I just love the little guy so much.