Today was Caroline's first trip to the dentist. After Austin Kieff's first visits, I was dreading the appointment. Well, how crazy was I to think for one minute that my baby girl would be apprehensive. Not only was she cool as a cucumber, she DID NOT want her mommy going back with her. In fact, she was MAD she didn't go back first!! When her turn came, Caroline took the doctor's hand, told me she would see me later and that she was going to get her teeth sparkled! The hygienist told me Caroline was the best two year old patient yet. They were able to fully examine her teeth, brush, floss and complete a fluoride treatment. She calmly submitted to the entire process. I was flabbergasted.
Both kid loved Dr. Schreiber. The hygienists were awesome. The caboose car play area out front and patient play area in the exam room were a hit! Not to mention over twenty flavors of toothpaste to choose from, multiple toothbrush designs to choose from and let's not forget PRIZES!
Austin Kieff loves his T-shirt with the chew-chew train on it and Caroline is still sporting her bracelets.
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