Thursday, May 28, 2009

Update One of Many

Well, we have not been online in some time at home because our computer was not working. Thankfully it only took $70 to fix and the great folks at PC Plus in Troy to figure out what was wrong!

So, as for Miss Caroline:

She is doing great! Thanks for all the emails and calls. We had several more visits to the doctor, but her last blood culture did not grow anything out which means the antibiotics did what they were supposed to.

She has since had her 2 month checkup. She was 11 pounds and 22 3/4 inches long! Quite a bit bigger than the 7.5 pounds and 19 inches she was at birth.

Today she went back to see her cardiologist. She was not released, but we do not have to go back until September. The PFO is almost completely closed, but there is another small hole that is allowing blood to go where it should not. It is called an atrial septal defect. Right now we are not going to do anything. She will be monitored to see if it grows larger or just stays the same. The ASD is what is responsible for the enlargement of the right ventricle. This is great news because it really is not too serious and can be fixed if needed.

So, that is the news on Miss the way she was 24 inches long today and 11 pounds 9 ounces!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Glad to hear the baby girl is doing well.