Monday, July 18, 2011


We had a fun, if quick, trip to Cullman a few weekends ago.    The kids and I met David in Troy.  We are definitely enjoying this "work truck" deal.  We were able to leave straight from Troy (David left his "work truck" at the office) instead of waiting for David to get home so that we could load the truck up!  It only saved about 45 minutes, but every minute counts when you are traveling with small children.

The kids were wired when we arrived at David's parents' house.  Caroline was the first to notice that Uncle Chris was not there to greet her.  Her disappointment was short lived.  Not only did she get some very much enjoyed one-on-one time (well almost since she had to share them with Austin Kieff!) with Grandmother and Granddaddy, but when Uncle Chris arrived the next morning, he had Hunter with him!  This made for two VERY happy children. 

We enjoyed two fabulous breakfasts prepared by David's Mom and Dad.  We also shared a couple of yummy meals off the grill.  We spent time with Great Grandmother, Chris, Hunter, Mr. Charles, Mrs. Brenda and of course, Grandmother and Granddaddy!  David was even to visit with one of his high school buddies.  We left Sunday morning so that the kids and I could go to VBS at Hebron with my Mom. 

Here are a few pictures that cannot even attempt to capture the fun these kids had:

First Time!

I think he likes it!

Caroline went for a ride, too!

She is a pro!

Hunter and Austin Kieff

My boys

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