Sunday was Promotion Sunday at church. Caroline moved rooms, but remains in Miss Christy Chance's class. Caroline is one happy little girl! For Austin Kieff, this is a really big deal. It means he is moving to a classroom upstairs!
I cannot believe we have moved from Cha-Cha and Papa John's room on the end all the way to upstairs...where did the time go? Recently, I looked at pictures from the Sunday we "moved our letter" to FBC-Troy. My, oh my, has Austin Kieff grown. Our family has grown by a member and been through some of our most challenging struggles since joining. We are definitely thankful for our FBC family! Sunday we found out one of the members of our Sunday School class would be moving on to teach a class himself. We will miss you Jason Jones, but are so proud of your decision to teach. Our prayers will be with you.
Last week we received a postcard in the mail with the Bible verses for the month of August. August 5th's verse was:
You will be my witnesses. Acts 1:8
This was a good verse to get started on for several reasons. First, new teachers, new room, new rules...all things that make Austin Kieff a little remembering...well reciting a long verse for the first day (his memory amazes me) might have been difficult. Second, he has had the verse before or at least talked about it during Upward. And, finally, Brother Luke talked about what the verse means during service. Talk about building on a lesson! I think, although there was some squirming going on, that Austin Kieff understands the verse more now which, is a beautiful thing to see!
Also, Miss Caroline memorized the verse. She is so proud of herself (and so am I)!! I love hearing the kids recite scripture...apply scripture...tell others about scripture...May my children grow to find Your Word more precious than gold, than much pure gold; sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb...
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