Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday Fellowship and Family Fun Day

This past Saturday our Sunday School class was hosted by George and Vickie Browder at their cabin in Petrey, Alabama.  After more than 8 hours in the office after very few hours of sleep I was definitely ready for a little fellowship, fun and family time.  It was so nice to fish (okay,  I did not fish, but  I did have the most wonderful time capturing everyone else fishing!) and enjoy a fabulous meal.  The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold.  The  mosquitoes were ABSENT.  And, the fish were biting.  The men envied the success of the transformer and Barbie poles!!

Here are a few pictures from our day:

Caroline with her new Barbie pole

It even came with a little tackle box. 
Caroline and Cole enjoyed putting crickets in the box.

L-R:  Tori holding Caroline S., Caroline S.'s dad Kris, Caroline S.'s mom Amy
Austin Kieff, the Cricket Bucket and David

I got one Daddy!!

This is one of the SMALLER fish caught Saturday!!

Bliss?  Joy? 

The kids were all FASCINATED by the Cricket Bucket. 
The Cricket Bucket became an accessory for Caroline, a source of
entertainment...not to mention BAIT!  Look how excited Caroline S. looks!
She really enjoyed playing with the crickets.
L-R: Camden, Caroline S., Amy, Caroline and Tori

More fun with the crickets.  We joked that Caroline was
The Keeper of the Crickets

The Carolines

The Keeper of the Crickets

Notice she STILL has the Cricket Bucket

Cole holding a cricket

Austin Kieff reeling in another one

Caroline and Owen

Dance Off
L-R: Cole, Hudson, Austin Kieff and Caroline

Caroline and Mommy
(taken by Austin Kieff...not too bad)

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