Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome Spring!

We are glad to have some sunny weather!  I have missed out on most of it so far, but have LOVED being outside with my babies Saturday afternoon for an hour or so before dark and again today when I came home from the office.  What a beautiful gift God gave us today!  We jumped, swung, blew bubbles, worked in what will be our flower garden, visited Grandmomma and Papa at the dirt pit and went grocery shopping.  We missed church tonight but enjoyed some wonderful family time!

Here are a few of Caroline's birthday invitations.  There are two basic invites one with with stickers and one with a silhouette.  Caroline had a fun time putting on the stickers!  I had a not so  fun  time cutting  out the silhouettes!!

Monday, February 21, 2011


I love watching Austin Kieff and Caroline. It doesn't matter if they are playing or sleeping. I also love listening to them. Caroline has several new phrases:

I don't think so.
You really think so.
I be right back.
I do that in a minute.

Caroline is talking all the time and she speaks so plainly. I love hearing her say her prayers. The way she says. "My soul," well lets just say she says it with a lot of soul!!

Austin Kieff is saying the Lords prayer very well. He is so sweet when he prays for his friends and family. His sincerity melts my heart. He is also becoming very appreciative when you do something for him.

Oh how the Lord has blessed us!!!!
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New Pics

 AKJ and Wesley Black

Look at my 4-year old playing with these older boys!

Click their names for more!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Certain goodbyes are never easy. Praying for our family who will be saying alot of goodbyes as they continue forward honoring God's plan for their lives.

We are praying for courage and strength. We are praying for new friends and an awesome church family to be quickly found. We are praying for the perfect job offer.

We are also praying for safe travels and quick loading!
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quote of the Week

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Bro. Bart. quoting Hebrews 4:16
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mostly for Mommy Monday (M4MM)...a few days late

The fact this post is late is merely a reminder of the time of year it is. I have a love/hate relationship with the first three months of the year.

Looking back I remember anticipating Valentine's Day a little like Christmas or my birthday. Picking out or handcrafting cards for friends and family, wondering if the recipient would smile or be brought a little bit of joy. I treasured the moment when the cards were opened. Believe it it not, I still do. My mom always said thank you and I know now just how much she treasures each crayon drawing, card or note...even if poor grammar or misspelled words were present!

I have received many beautiful cards, expensive boxes of chocolate even jewelry on this special day of love. But none of these compare to the sweet note from my dear son complete with custom artwork a kiss and a hug...and four heart melting words, "I love you momma."

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

What do you see?

What do you see? I see a precious angel sent from heaven to bring joy to all those she meets. I see little hands that pat my arm as she lovingly asks "you 'kay momma?" I see little fingers that wrap around mine or are sometimes outstretched as she reaches up and says "hold you please." I see the second most precious gift I have ever been given. I see the most amazing little girl who wasn't supposed to be viable. She looks pretty viable to me! She looks perfect and sweet. She loves her brother and idolizes her daddy. She is smart and loving and so very kind. She already has such an imagination. She amazes me each and every day. She, like her brother, has me thanking God for choosing me to be her (his) mother. I am so very blessed. With each "momma" my heart swells with pride. I pray I will set a good example for her. I pray she will love the Lord with all her heart. I pray the Lord will guide my hands, my words, my every second because I know she will be watching and learning.
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SSMT Verse #3

My first verse for February is:

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
GREAT is YOUR faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-32

I thank God for His faithfulness.  There are so many aspects of this verse I could pick a part.  But I will focus on the word LOVE.  With February being the "month of love," this verse seemed perfect for my third SSMT verse.  It also seemed to complement the Sunday evening Bible study we are doing at church on worship.  This past Sunday, Bro. Bart, our music minister who is facilitating the study, talked a little about love.  God tells us to love one another.  We are to love others like God loves us.  I immediately thought of the love a parent has for a child.  I know that I would literally lay down my life for either of my children.  Bro. Bart talked a little about this as well.  But whether we admit it or not, Bro. Bart talked about there being limits to even the love we have as parents.  Sometimes parents do give up on their children.  But, as he said, God NEVER GIVES UP ON US!  Praise the Lord!!

So, do we love others as God loves us?  I know I don't always love others, not just my family and friends, but everyone the way that I want God to love me.  I want His mercy to be infinite, I want His ability to forgive to never end, I want compassion and patience.  I want know the list.  The Bible does a great job of defining love or describing love in several places.  I want to be loved this way, but do I love God this way?  Do I love my family this way?  Do I love my friends this way?  Do I love others, especially those that I do not consider friends or even strangers this way?  It saddens me to admit that I do not.  But great joy is found in the knowledge that I can try anew each day. 

So how about a February challenge to anyone who actually reads our little home on the web.   How about trying to love others just as God loves you!  Imagine how our attitudes might change, some just a little...others perhaps a lot! 

Leave us a comment and let us know you were here :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Listeners Are A-Okay!

Austin Kieff had his final post-op with Dr. McQueen this afternoon. We, or should I say Austin Kieff told the nurse his ear had been hurting all week and he had to clean the dirt (wax) out of it with his finger and that made the water (drainage) come out. When Dr. McQueen came in Austin Kieff had a big surprise ...Mrs. Paula (aka Peyton's momma) was his nurse! Dr. McQueen, was super with Austin Kieff as always. The ear looked perfect! Praise God! And, to Austin Kieff's disappointment we were told his listeners were perfect working order. So, no more excuses, ha!

I have to add that while we were waiting Austin Kieff practiced his Bible verse for the week, "I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6." And speaking of verses, I have a SSMT post to write. I am behind on here only!

Yes, I also realize that it is time to convert the carseat. The little fella just keeps growing!!
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I discovered yet one more thing to add to the list of items to always have in my purse...rubber bands!! Caroline had her hair in pig tails or dog ears depending on what you call them! She pulled out the rubber bands on the ride home. Because her hair was still sticking out, David didn't realize they were missing, ha! No amount of brushing was going to fix her hair!
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Mostly for Mommy

I have decided to try and do a better job documenting the things my children do. I love the idea of scrapbooking. However, I have literally spent a hundred dollars trying to complete a few pages...of course I should say completing and redoing and redoing and redoing ...I never seem to think a page is just right. So blogging may be the only way certain aspects of our life will ever be documented!!

With this in mind, I am going to try to post something about the kids every Monday that I want to be sure and remember. It may be milestones, something funny they have said or something completely random, ha!

So tonight, Austin Kieff tells me I am the best cook ever. It wasn't because of the homemade chicken enchiladas. It was not because of the yummy grilled chicken I seasoned and David grilled. It wasn't even the slow-cooked green beans or the delicious miniature lemon cupcakes with lemon glaze.

IT WAS THE CANNED pasta and meatballs with pineapple rings, not even fresh, from a CAN!!

Well the hug was so worth slaving over...pressing those...microwave buttons. It didn't even require a can opener thanks to convenient pop tops!

What was just as priceless was Caroline trying to say exactly what big brother did! Her hug was just as sweet.
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Kind words

I was given a random complement last night on my penmanship. For most people what someone else thought about their handwriting wouldn't matter. But to me, it was a very nice thing to hear. You see in third grade I was told by my teacher Sister Theresa that I had the worst handwriting and that girls were supposed to have neat and precise penmanship. I was the last girl to be allowed to move up to the cursive paper. Petty, I know, but for me it was awful. My Mom has beautiful handwriting. I love getting notes from her. I was so scared I was going to have the worst handwriting forever.

So I learned a great lesson last night, a reminder that sometimes acknowledgement of a small thing can really brighten someone's day!
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Sunday, February 6, 2011


Caroline did great during her tests Friday! We left home very early because of the weather and Caroline's appointment was at 7:00. I thought she would sleep the entire way. I could not have been MORE wrong!! She chatted the whole way to Montgomery. She told me several times "Caroline no go doctor today."

When arrived it was still raining and we had to park a little ways from the outpatient entrance. Caroline thought it was so much fun to hide under her blanket and run to the door. She actually squealed she was having so much fun peaking out and getting wet then ducking back under her blanket.

We entered the outpatient registration are and she clammed up a little. She was not sure about this place at all. I will say that even though the room was packed we were only there long enough to sign our paperwork and receive our identification bracelets. Caroline loved our matching bracelets!! We went on over to the radiology waiting area and sat by the window. We played "I see a ___, do you see a ___.

We watched people coming and going and really had a good time together. When Caroline was called back she was given a warm flannel gown, a warmed blanket and an adorable Teddy bear. She did great during the preliminary films. She even said cheese for the camera, ha! A pediatric nurse came to insert the catheter. Caroline told her "please no do that," and looked at me with sweetest little expression and said "Caroline said PLLEEAASSSEEEE NO DO THAT!" Unfortunately the task had to be completed and the waterworks began. The staff was wonderful and we could not have asked for a nicer doctor. If you have a choice, we strongly recommend Baptist East and Dr. Lequire.

After the xrays with and without the contrast medium Dr. Lequire asked Caroline to go tee tee. She responded, "no, Caroline go potty!" After much pleading she finally went and the procedure was over. She even went potty in the bathroom afterwards telling the ladies "see I big girl."

Next was the ultrasound which just happened to be performed by a sweet lady I met while pregnant with Caroline. On the oh so many admissions for observation after scheduled appointments she always performed my ultrasounds! It was great to see her and she was so good with Caroline.

Of course we had to get a prize and Caroline picked out a talking baby doll. We hope to have results Monday or Tuesday!! Thanks for the prayers and calls!
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Thursday, February 3, 2011


Warning, this is another "mainly for mommy post!"

Caroline is growing so fast and getting smarter everyday. I am constantly amazed at the things she says and does. Here are a few of her latest sentences:

Caroline's mommy's beautiful baby. Caroline miss you. Come here now. Come here please. I take bath now. Caroline go tee tee. Caroline's tummys talking. Mommy pretty. Come play with me. Let's play kitchen. Brrrr I think its cold. Sally no do that. Bubba sleeping. I call grandmomma. I talk nanny on phone. I help cook supper. I help clean up. Caroline color this. Mommy go work. Mommy lay back down. Mommy need kisses.

One of my favorites: Jesus love Caroline.

So, yes, I realize it is a lot of third person. She will learn to speak correctly soon enough. I am cherishing every moment of watching her grow and reach developmental milestones. Last night I asked her what color her shirt was. Caroline said, "my shirt brown shirt shirt shirt shirt yellow shirt pink...well it was yellow. I was just impressed she responded with so many different colors. Sometimes I catch her counting or saying her ABCs while she is playing. I LOVE it!
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Big Girl Panties!!

Caroline is wearing her big girl panties and is so very proud of herself!!
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Caroline update

Hospital just called and she will not be sedated. Now I am a little concerned. Caroline became hysterical last Friday when she saw the nurse who inserted the catheter a few weeks before.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Caroline's tests will be done Friday morning at Baptist East. I found out today that she will be under sedation and hopefully the experience will be less traumatic than I feared! Please say a prayer for her and that they will not find any scarring on her kidneys.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sweet Sweet Babies

This post is purely for me so that hopefully during those turbulent teen years up ahead I will remember how sweet and sincere my children can be! I am thankful those years are not in the near future!! However, I know it will only be a blink ...

Last night, out of nowhere Austin Kieff wraps his arms around me and says, "you know what? You're the bestest momma in the whole world!" I absolutely love these proclamations!! He often inserts "momma," "daddy" and "sister" in that statement. And, he says it with such sincerity. Austin Kieff is definitely a loving child.

Here lately he has been singing songs. I should note that these are original songs about whatever is on his heart. Last night we were laying in the bed singing songs that my grandfather sang to me. They were mostly old hymns. Austin Kieff proceeded to tell me about "singing to his little brother George Strait while GS sat on" his knee. His song was about Jesus being sent from Heaven to earth to die on the cross for our sins. He sang of God's love and of loving God. His words were such honest praise!

I cannot leave out Caroline who is just a little doll right now. Last night as she was almost asleep she sat up and said, "I tee tee. I tee tee, right now." Side note, "right now" is one of her new phrases that I don't like very much!! I honestly thought she had wet her diaper and that running to the bathroom was just to strip and throw the diaper away (she loves to do that). She was...DRY!! And, she used her potty like a big girl. She is definitely my sweet Caroline ...she likes to tell you that, too..."I sweet" or "Caroline sweet." But the sweetest words are accompanied by a full throttle run from across the living room into my arms each evening, "I love you mommy" or " I miss you mommy."

Her latest thing is to say "hey (insert name) until our whole household has said "hey Caroline." We do this multiple times per day! She also likes to kiss you with sweetest little smack.

Even though as AKJ noted, my "mommy job don't pay the bills," I sure do LOVE it!
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