Austin Kieff had his final post-op with Dr. McQueen this afternoon. We, or should I say Austin Kieff told the nurse his ear had been hurting all week and he had to clean the dirt (wax) out of it with his finger and that made the water (drainage) come out. When Dr. McQueen came in Austin Kieff had a big surprise ...Mrs. Paula (aka Peyton's momma) was his nurse! Dr. McQueen, was super with Austin Kieff as always. The ear looked perfect! Praise God! And, to Austin Kieff's disappointment we were told his listeners were A-okay...in perfect working order. So, no more excuses, ha!
I have to add that while we were waiting Austin Kieff practiced his Bible verse for the week, "I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6." And speaking of verses, I have a SSMT post to write. I am behind on here only!
Yes, I also realize that it is time to convert the carseat. The little fella just keeps growing!!
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