- We are all dealing with our own "Midianites."
- An interesting fact is that the Midianites tie their lineage to Abraham...for many, the last place we would expect trouble from is family..
- Judges 6 is very specific about when the Midianites came, during the harvest...just when the Israelites were recovering from and getting their heads above water (sound familiar?)
- We meet Gideon, commissioned by God to be a deliverer, in a weak and timid state. He was in a winepress threshing his wheat...not out in the open...in hopes of being unnoticed/
- When we meet Gideon, he does not appear courageous at all. He is from the least family, from the least tribe...yet, this man who is "least" receives a visit from an Angel of God.
- Gideon's weakened state, his present crisis, was not enough to place him out of the reach of God
- "You cannot outrun the hounds of Heaven"
- God will meet you where you are
- Winepress-used for making...WINE...was damp, not conducive to threshing wheat, yet Gideon did it anyway.
- Gideon was strategically placed in the right place for God by his circumstances...where his heart was broken by his circumstances
- your circumstances place you exactly where you need to be
- "Scripture sets upon our hearts until God allows our heart to break and the Scripture falls into it"
- Everything in your life is either
- God caused, or
- God allowed
- The Angel of the Lord was present before Gideon noticed him...how many times do we fail to notice the presence of the Lord?
- Gideon was faithfully doing his task even though it was inconvenient...he chose to stay consistent, faithful
- Are you doing the mundane faithfully? Are you faithful even when it is hard?
- Be faithful in the small things and God will entrust you with bigger things
- Whatever your "winepress" is, it is not wasted on God
- The Angel of the Lord refers to Gideon (who is hiding in the winepress) as a valiant warrior. God saw Gideon's possibility not his current behavior.
- Always look outward and upward...not inward
- The Angel came
- It is possible to be in the presence of the Lord and not know it (omnipresence)
- The Angel appeared
- Gideon's spiritual eyes were opened (manifest presence)
- The Lord looked at him
- His eyes on you
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Gideon - Session 2
I am a little late in posting my Session 2 summary...these are mostly just tidbits from the video session that I took down...
Bible Study,
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Gideon - Week 1 Recap (discussion of the daily study)
Wow, the statement that there is no such thing as coincidence, only
divine intervention is a truth that I am fully realizing in this season of
life. Various experiences, including this
Bible study, are truly showing me…nix that a better statement is they are opening my
heart to refinement. David and I are
participating in a marriage class at church, the information coming from it
combined with the kids’ take-home sheets, Bro. Luke’s sermons and this Bible
study are all working together in perfect accord…feeding my mind and heart in a
way that was much needed.
I encourage you to become involved in a group Bible study if you have the
opportunity. Personal study is
wonderful, but the insight gained when fellowshipping with others who truly
know the Word is also wonderful to be a part of!
Take-aways from the Week 1 Recap:
- We too often make decisions based on our limited supplies instead of God’s boundless resources.
- We need to truly believe in the omnipotence of God, live out our belief acting in faith that He will provide.
- We need to quit allowing satan to use our “iron chariots” to prevent us from living out God’s will for our lives (we were designed to be His witness –in our homes, in our communities, in our nations, in this world). Iron chariots can be anything…in my opinion many “iron chariots” have a common connector – insecurity.
- Partial obedience is ALWAYS a temptation. We should be vigilant in making sure we do not confuse our mindset with God’s mindset. God is COMPLETELY loving and COMPLETELY faithful.
- In our world, just as in Gideon’s day, people are doing what is right in their own eyes. As Christians, our truth is God’s truth. Jesus tells us He is the way, the truth and the life. We need to be purposeful in reading and memorizing God’s Word, we need to arm ourselves with it daily and arm our children with it. Each day is a spiritual battle and God’s word is sharper than a two edged sword. We need to be able to say God’s Word says, not “I think you shouldn’t or should…”
- Sin is sin. Believing in Jesus and truly surrendering your heart, dying to self daily, doesn’t make an easy road, it doesn’t make the perfect life…it does mean that you should turn from sin and exercise true repentance…seek forgiveness
- We need to set aside time to truly learn God’s Word, not take it out of context or pick and choose which verses we want to apply to a situation.
- Christians are to be set apart, not of this world. Yet, are we? Do others know us by the love we show, the type of love we show? Scripture tells us to do everything without complaining (BIG OUCH for me…really working on this. I love Nancy Leigh DeMoss and one of her broadcasts had a statement out dwelling on the positive. This doesn’t mean we are naïve, that we ignore the things that are wrong or that we turn a blind eye to sin. But, do we fuel gossip and ill will with our actions and conversations? Or do we squelch it? Do we try to find the positive in the situation and then do what we can to change the negative? I am so thankful for Rhonda Senn Peters and her friendship and example. She truly embodies this characteristic.
- Are we forming covenant relationships? Are we investing in our church family? Do we work to unite the church body (not just our home church)? Voddie Baucham made a comment “Brothers should be able to disagree with one another and still be brothers” in discussing a matter on his blog. How true is this statement and perhaps I am over simplifying in the following but it is my opinion…our methodology across various denominations may be different, but our truth as Christians is one and the same – Jesus Christ. John 14:6 -Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
With Gideon, and throughout the Bible, God chose the flawed…not randomly,
not on accident, He INTENTIONALLY sought
the flawed individual. And through these
flawed individuals, and us if we let him, they lived out (WE CAN LIVE OUT) 2 Corinthians
12:9 –
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
Bible Study,
Monday, September 9, 2013
Gideon - Intro
Tonight was the first night of the Gideon Bible study lead by Mrs. Anela Culpepper. It is going to be an AWESOME study!! If you are local, it is not too late join us (Monday's, 6:30-8:30 @ the home of Anela and Bart Culpepper)...tonight was just the introduction. That being said...it was an AMAZING introduction...
I am going to try to summarize my notes from each evening for my records, but maybe anyone reading our little blog will enjoy them, too! Note, these are my notes, not the info from the workbook although, there is overlap. They may not make sense on their own...
Gideon, a study of how God used Gideon's weaknesses to show His strength. The opening scriptures presented were:
Romans 7:18
For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is resent in me, but the doing of the good is not.
Proverbs 28:13
He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.
James 4:6
But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
We are not perfect. We should confess and forsake our transgressions as God favors the humble and gives them grace. We cannot let our imperfections, whatever they are or think they are, stall us. This study is our "divine green light" that is our opportunity to move forward.
When studying a passage or person in the Bible, it is important to understand the context in which the verses were written...understand what God is trying to show through the "bigger" picture. With Gideon, the account begins in Judges chapter 6 with a nation of people who have chosen rebellion, to do evil. At the end of Judges everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes...sound familiar? A lot like our society today. The Judges in the Bible were not judges as in the modern definition. Judges were individuals, who through God's amazing grace were raised up and empowered to unite the people of God to stand victoriously. In unity, the body of Christ, the Church, can stand against the enemy of God. The people in Gideon's day were not unified. An important note is that they were living in the promised land...one (1) generation removed from Moses (wilderness...a journey that unified). In the promised land, they became divided, a fractured and oppressed people who could not even live in their own homes. Judges 2:7-8,10 describes a generation that did not know the Lord or the works of His hands. In one generation, the "bless-or" was forgotten by those living in the blessing. Perhaps they were a generation that was not taught...or filled with young people who did not want to listen. Joshua (23-24) challenged God's people to cling to the Lord, the laws, the Word and to be firm...to not forget who your God is..."as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Yet, in one generation, there was severe breakdown. A lesson from history in how we need to be strategic and intentional in teaching our children to love the Lord, to know his Word and live for Him. We need to be deliberate in cementing theology in our children. We need to teach our children to be humble; showing them humility through our own actions. We need to teach them who GOD is.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Titus 2
At any point in time you are the older and the younger. Invest in others. Allow others to invest in you. Pray for a willing spirit and opportunities. Be willing to listen and learn from others. Be humble. Be willing to teach and mindful of the example you are setting. Put your children in a position to hear God's word, to see God's Word. Speak God's word to them. Post God's Word in your home, in their rooms, in their lunchboxes! Get the seed planted. Even when you don't think they are hearing God's word, seeds are being planted. Make sure they know God and pray that they have a passion for God.
Read the Word
Personally see the works of His hands
Allow yourself to be put in situations where God can move; where you can see His hand, His works. Pray for revival beginning with YOU. Pray for situations that ignite you and opportunities to inspire and ignite others. Encourage others. I couldn't help but think of the song Starts With Me:
What can I do to leave a legacy?
How can I speak with authority
When I can’t see You, I can’t see You
How can I know the dreams You have for me?
How do I believe beyond what I have seen?
When I can’t hear You, I can’t feel You now
No, no, no
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
Oh, it starts with me
Why do I try to work outside of You?
Knocking down doors I shouldn't be going through
But I’m so tired, I’m so tired
You take my burdens off of my shoulders
You break the lies that hold me back
I’m not sure enough
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
Yeah, it starts with me
I really wanna change the world
I really wanna sing Your song
But I know revival’s got to start with me
I really wanna change the world
I really wanna sing Your song
But I know revival’s got to start with me
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
It starts with me
How can I speak with authority
When I can’t see You, I can’t see You
How can I know the dreams You have for me?
How do I believe beyond what I have seen?
When I can’t hear You, I can’t feel You now
No, no, no
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
Oh, it starts with me
Why do I try to work outside of You?
Knocking down doors I shouldn't be going through
But I’m so tired, I’m so tired
You take my burdens off of my shoulders
You break the lies that hold me back
I’m not sure enough
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
Yeah, it starts with me
I really wanna change the world
I really wanna sing Your song
But I know revival’s got to start with me
I really wanna change the world
I really wanna sing Your song
But I know revival’s got to start with me
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
You’re my revival song, You start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees
When I am weak You're strong, You meet me here
When I’m on my knees, on my knees
It starts with me
Bible Study,
Monday, April 29, 2013
Weekend - April 19-20, 2013
AMAZING! That is my one word description of this past weekend. It is always good to see family, but to enjoy a couple of days away from our busy schedules was truly wonderful. Friday afternoon our family headed to Montgomery for the night, but not before we stopped for Austin Kieff to tell Silas goodbye. This was Silas' first overnight trip away from home. The kiddos were so excited to arrive in Montgomery. The first question out of the mouths was "where are Jacob and Lily?" And just who did we see waving from the window of their hotel room? None other than Jacob and Lily. David was the first to spot them, but once the rest of us did it was very hard to keep the kids from rushing across the street!
We checked in and settled in our room. We were lucky enough to have a fabulous view of the river front.
The kids could not wait to see their cousins and Uncle Grady and Aunt Mary Margaret. We all met up and went to pick up our registration packets from the train shed. The kids were full of excitement. They did not want to part ways for a minute. In fact, I had two very upset little ones when we decided to grab a snack before the Biscuits' game. On top of not being very happy with her parents, poor Caroline started feeling poorly. She did color a little bit at Wintzell's but did not touch her food. Austin Kieff on the other hand at every bit of his grilled cheese. David and I split a fried shrimp dinner and a bowl of gumbo (far too spicy for me). It was all delicious!!
The kids could not wait to go to the stadium. As we approached the crosswalk, I happened to notice Mrs. Martha Roby there with her son. No matter what a current official's political affiliation is, I think it is important to respect the position and to appreciate the sacrifice they and their families make. Now, I happen to really like Martha Roby. I have met her several times and have been privileged to be a part of a couple of sit downs with her. While she did not remember my name, she did remember the location and circumstances we had met in the past. That is amazing.
This sweet boy posed for a picture with me!
Caroline was not feeling great and slept through most of the first inning
Dancing trying to get on the jumbotron
It did not take too long for Caroline to come alive! She and Lily bundled up under the
blanket...it was FREEZING!
Morning came a little earlier than I would have liked, ha! Race Day! I was excited about all the day would hold. The starting line is shown below
The fountain is one of my favorite parts!
We were all ready to run!
Our before pic:
The pink "pig" was Caroline's favorite after-race perk. She LOVED looking at her. It took some convincing to get her to believe it was a pink cow. Cows are not supposed to be pink!
The rest of these are some not so good i-Phone photos, but they are all I have to document, so they are being used!
Caroline was so excited to finish her race!
The awesome cousins. They all did GREAT! Austin Kieff even came in 2nd
in his division:
I am so glad Caroline is getting over her mascot/dressed up in a costume fear!
Beautiful Survivors
For the sake of actually posting, I will update on the remainder of our weekend later! Saturday was an awesome day. When we arrived back in Jack, Nanny and Aunt Sue were there! The kids were on an excitement overload for sure. More about this amazing weekend to come...and also several other updates...
Austin Kieff,
Joy to Life,
Photo Update
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Yesterday was a day of if it could go wrong it did. Not anything major, just a lot of little things that made for less tolerance with each additional event that unfolded.
My Nanny is coming for a visit. We are so excited that my Aunt Sue is bringing her up to stay for the weekend. We will get to spend Saturday afternoon/evening with them and Sunday until they head back to Pensacola. This will be a weekend of fun memories for sure (more to come on this).
While Mom and I were doing a little cleaning at Nanny's my sweet Caroline was playing with a doll. This wasn't just any doll, it was a very special doll. My mom gave it to me for Christmas when we lived in Mobile. She is beautiful and wears a little heirloom dress and bonnet. She is also porcelain. She was not a doll I ever played with very much, just looked at or pushed in my stroller. My Nanny has kept her safe all these years for me.
Caroline has been allowed to hold her and push her around in my old doll stroller. She has always been so careful with her until last night. While scrubbing the tub, I heard something smash. It is an easily identifiable sound. I knew exactly what had happened, but hoped I was wrong. Caroline was not holding my doll sitting down. She was not pushing her in the stroller. She was bouncing around the kitchen like a hyena and smash. The fragile porcelain foot of my doll lay broken on the floor. Poor Austin Kieff was more upset than Caroline because he understands sentimental value. He has the sweetest heart.
I remember another little girl who smashed something once. I was about six years old. We lived in a beautiful red house on Old Shell Road in Mobile. My favorite home we lived in growing up. It had a HUGE backyard, the layout of the house was awesome and the bathroom had ceramic tile. My sweet mom just happened to have a brand new bottle of Oscar de la Renta Perfume on the counter. She did not mind me wearing a little, but I was not supposed to get it myself. Oh, the temptation was just too strong. I could not resist. Of course in trying to spray the perfume which was a little difficult for my small hands and the large bottle, it slipped from my grasp and hit the floor in an explosion of glass and perfume. On the bright side, the bathroom smelled wonderful. I know my mom was upset, but she made sure I was alright and did not have broken glass on/in me. I keep a bottle of Oscar de la Renta perfume on my bathroom counter. I love the way it smells, not so much on me, but in the air. I spray it periodically just to get the scent.
Material things of this world can be broken and lost. Disappointment may follow, but am I as impacted by the broken world we live in? Do I do my best to make an impact on this broken world? The broken souls that I encounter each and every day? I pray God will break my heart for the broken...and am reminded of the lyric, "Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks Yours." Complete lyrics below...
Lyrics to Jesus, Friend Of Sinners (Casting Crowns) :
Jesus, friend of sinners, we have strayed so far away
We cut down people in your name but the sword was never ours to swing
Jesus, friend of sinners, the truth's become so hard to see
The world is on their way to You but they're tripping over me
Always looking around but never looking up I'm so double minded
A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours
Jesus, friend of sinners, the one who's writing in the sand
Make the righteous turn away and the stones fall from their hands
Help us to remember we are all the least of thieves
Let the memory of Your mercy bring Your people to their knees
No one knows what we're for only against when we judge the wounded
What if we put down our signs crossed over the lines and loved like You did
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours
You love every lost cause; you reach for the outcast
For the leper and the lame; they're the reason that You came
Lord I was that lost cause and I was the outcast
But you died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet
'Cause You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks Yours
And I was the lost cause and I was the outcast
You died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet
Jesus, friend of sinners, we have strayed so far away
We cut down people in your name but the sword was never ours to swing
Jesus, friend of sinners, the truth's become so hard to see
The world is on their way to You but they're tripping over me
Always looking around but never looking up I'm so double minded
A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours
Jesus, friend of sinners, the one who's writing in the sand
Make the righteous turn away and the stones fall from their hands
Help us to remember we are all the least of thieves
Let the memory of Your mercy bring Your people to their knees
No one knows what we're for only against when we judge the wounded
What if we put down our signs crossed over the lines and loved like You did
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours
You love every lost cause; you reach for the outcast
For the leper and the lame; they're the reason that You came
Lord I was that lost cause and I was the outcast
But you died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet
'Cause You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks Yours
And I was the lost cause and I was the outcast
You died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Observation and Encouragement
There is one thing I am noticing about our 6 year old Coach Pitch team. First, the obvious - the boys are all six or almost six! Second, they are all heart. They love their team, they love the game, they love their coaches and they love to be on the field. The love of these boys brings forth such strong emotions for the sport. It is refreshing to see the pure JOY on their faces when they make a good catch, have an awesome hit or hear their name cheered from the crowd. However, it is absolutely heartbreaking to see the disappointment when they strike out, are tagged out or miss a play. The weight of the world seems to be on their shoulders.
Last night, our boys lost 12-2. We beat this team last week, but were told it would not happen again. There boys had not even practiced when we played and are mostly 6, 7 and 8 year olds according to one of their parents. The boys were not discouraged by being behind. Maybe one good thing about being so young is that for many the score doesn't even cross their mind until the end of the game. As I said, we lost, but there were some amazing moments in the game. Our third baseman had several awesome plays. Our shortstop was great as well as our second baseman. Our first baseman made several great throws and made several outs. For a young team, we have some really good moments. I am rather partial with respect to our catcher, but then again, he is mine!
I see improvements each game and every practice. It is a wonderful thing to experience. Austin Kieff loves being behind the plate. Last night there was a play that tangled him up pretty good with a member of the opposing team. He dropped the ball and missed the tag. Devastation. Later, after another missed catch he was furious with himself and the throw. While I will console his hurt and disappointment, displays of poor sportsmanship, no matter how small will not be tolerated. Slapping his glove against his leg and stomping his foot got our little boy a long talking to last night. Not in front of everyone (a stern AK, NO! did the trick), but once we were home. We told him he has to be a leader on the field and off the field. He needs to work to control his emotions and pray for strength to do so. His Daddy did talk to him in the dugout, which set those emotions on overdrive for a few seconds. It was an emotional night for several of our players. The good thing is at this age the boys are quick to get upset and quick to rebound.
Uplifting these players with positive encouragement is goal for me this season. I want them to do their best each time. I would love for them to get a hit every at bat, make every catch, win every game, but regardless, doing their best is enough. In this age group (maybe every age group...), I think it is okay to cheer for both sides. It is especially okay to encourage every player on the field, to recognize awesome plays, hits and effort. I pray coaches, parents and fans are mindful of what they say and how they say it. Words cannot be taken back.
I have to remind myself that Austin Kieff is six. He loves baseball and has an excellent knowledge base for his age. However, he is only six. Knowing what to do and being able to do it every time during the game are very different. I pray my attitude, the attitude of his dad, fans and coaches is one of encouragement. I love to hear our coaches tell the boys great job, way to hustle, you are doing so much better. I think losing teaches important life lessons, well provides opportunities for important life lessons to be taught. Our Coaches taught our boys several things last night. I am most proud that the coaches showed the boys they were proud of the boy's best efforts and encouraged better performance when perhaps best efforts were not shown. The constructive comments warmed my heart and are a great example for the fans.
Praying for the right words at the right time in all instances for our Coaches, Parents. Fans and Players. Attitude helps determine altitude, right?
Last night, our boys lost 12-2. We beat this team last week, but were told it would not happen again. There boys had not even practiced when we played and are mostly 6, 7 and 8 year olds according to one of their parents. The boys were not discouraged by being behind. Maybe one good thing about being so young is that for many the score doesn't even cross their mind until the end of the game. As I said, we lost, but there were some amazing moments in the game. Our third baseman had several awesome plays. Our shortstop was great as well as our second baseman. Our first baseman made several great throws and made several outs. For a young team, we have some really good moments. I am rather partial with respect to our catcher, but then again, he is mine!
I see improvements each game and every practice. It is a wonderful thing to experience. Austin Kieff loves being behind the plate. Last night there was a play that tangled him up pretty good with a member of the opposing team. He dropped the ball and missed the tag. Devastation. Later, after another missed catch he was furious with himself and the throw. While I will console his hurt and disappointment, displays of poor sportsmanship, no matter how small will not be tolerated. Slapping his glove against his leg and stomping his foot got our little boy a long talking to last night. Not in front of everyone (a stern AK, NO! did the trick), but once we were home. We told him he has to be a leader on the field and off the field. He needs to work to control his emotions and pray for strength to do so. His Daddy did talk to him in the dugout, which set those emotions on overdrive for a few seconds. It was an emotional night for several of our players. The good thing is at this age the boys are quick to get upset and quick to rebound.
Uplifting these players with positive encouragement is goal for me this season. I want them to do their best each time. I would love for them to get a hit every at bat, make every catch, win every game, but regardless, doing their best is enough. In this age group (maybe every age group...), I think it is okay to cheer for both sides. It is especially okay to encourage every player on the field, to recognize awesome plays, hits and effort. I pray coaches, parents and fans are mindful of what they say and how they say it. Words cannot be taken back.
I have to remind myself that Austin Kieff is six. He loves baseball and has an excellent knowledge base for his age. However, he is only six. Knowing what to do and being able to do it every time during the game are very different. I pray my attitude, the attitude of his dad, fans and coaches is one of encouragement. I love to hear our coaches tell the boys great job, way to hustle, you are doing so much better. I think losing teaches important life lessons, well provides opportunities for important life lessons to be taught. Our Coaches taught our boys several things last night. I am most proud that the coaches showed the boys they were proud of the boy's best efforts and encouraged better performance when perhaps best efforts were not shown. The constructive comments warmed my heart and are a great example for the fans.
Praying for the right words at the right time in all instances for our Coaches, Parents. Fans and Players. Attitude helps determine altitude, right?
My little 3 for 3 batter last night:
Austin Kieff,
Photo Update
Monday, April 15, 2013
Saturday = Fun Family Day
Saturday, April 13, 2013, was a very BUSY, yet VERY FUN day for the Jordans! Caroline had her second T-Ball game at 10:00 Saturday morning. David and I were responsible for concessions that morning for the 9:00. Thankfully we live very close or we would have been very late, ha! Caroline helped in the concession stand. She was excellent at retrieving sodas from the cooler and giving them to our customers. She even tried to help make decisions for a few! Caroline was the sweetest little helper I could ask for. While not the cutest picture, this is her giving me two thumbs up after retrieving several drinks from the cooler. She said "see, I got this." There is so much spunk in such a tiny package!
Caroline had fun during her game and was super excited (so excited she had to leave the playing field to come and tell me) that her friend Ben was playing on the Red team.
After the T-Ball game we had to hurry over to the Troop 99 Hut in Enterprise for the Pinewood Derby. This was a bit funny. The Hut is located on S. Main Street, so finding it should have been fairly easy, right? Not at all! The GPS on my phone was of no use. David did find the Hut after about 10 minutes of driving up and down Main Street.
Caroline had fun during her game and was super excited (so excited she had to leave the playing field to come and tell me) that her friend Ben was playing on the Red team.
Just hanging out waiting to bat. Caroline did not want to wear her hat Saturday
because it "smushed" her red ribbon!
Here is our Tiger Cub waiting to go in and register.
Registering to compete.
We were so proud of Austin Kieff on Saturday. He was asked to call the colors,
a task that he has never participated in before. He did a GREAT job for his first time.
Austin Kieff placed second in the Tiger Cub competition. The little boy who won his
division was the overall champion as well. He placed 4th overall, not too shabby for his first year!
After the Pinewood Derby, David had to go to work and the kids and I went to Grandmomma and Papa's for a visit. Papa had a surprise for the kiddos (well not really "for" the kiddos, but they will enjoy them!). We went outside before checking on the surprise. Caroline had to ride the tractor. Papa said this was a "big violation" and she asked him not to "put the beat down on her."
Silas joined us for the visit. We are taking a Gator ride to see
the surprise. Grandmomma was driving not me, ha!
Baby Chicks! The kids have been wanting Papa's eggs to
hatch since the first gathering. Papa's eggs don't last long
enough to hatch!
I love Spring!
Our sweet boy is growing!
Papa's hay fields are full of wildflowers. I love the visual, but not
the effects on my allergies!!
Austin Kieff helped Papa clean up his tools.
She was not supposed to be in the dirt...Guilty!
David rejoined us and we spent some time cleaning up the livingroom. It is amazing how many toys can accumulate if not put away nightly!! It was definitley a FUN, if BUSY Saturday.
Austin Kieff,
Photo Update,
Friday, April 12, 2013
More than a dress...
On Good Friday, I received a very special package in the mail from my Aunt Bob. Enclosed were items that I thought were long gone...treasures from my childhood. The package contained some very special items including two dresses. One of the dresses my mom had made for photogenic pictures when I was 5. The pictures still hang on her wall. The other dress was made by my Aunt and all the french hand embroidery was the product of her loving hands. It was so special for me to let Caroline wear this dress to church last week. Unfortunately, there was a small accident handling the dress when removing Caroline from her carseat and the delicate inset was detached (hoping this is repairable). Here is Caroline sporting my dress:
She will not wear the other dress until I am ready to have her picture made. I am not risking any more accidents!
Photo Update
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Picture Day!
As a little girl, I LOVED picture day! It was a day where my Mom took extra time to make sure I looked extra special. As the years passed by, I began planning my outfits and fixing my on hair, but Mom always gave her approval. One of my favorite pictures is from second grade at Leinkaulf Elementary in Mobile, Alabama. I wore a beautiful ivory dress and my Mom rolled my hair on pink sponge curlers the night before. My Nanny gave me one of these pictures several years back (ours were all lost in the flood) and I hope to have Caroline a dress like this one day!
Wednesday was Austin Kieff's Picture Day. He was very selective with respect to what he DID NOT want to wear, ha! We did settle on khaki pants, his yellow button-up shirt (with the sleeves rolled up and ironed down) and Sperry's:
A few cute/not so cute pics from this morning:
Wednesday was Austin Kieff's Picture Day. He was very selective with respect to what he DID NOT want to wear, ha! We did settle on khaki pants, his yellow button-up shirt (with the sleeves rolled up and ironed down) and Sperry's:
Today is Caroline's Picture Day. She is not as easy to please, but finally chose a dress her cousin Lily gave her. After searching for 15 minutes for a hair bow that did not make it back to the bow holder, we found it and she was ready to go:A few cute/not so cute pics from this morning:
Really Mom???
I am done smiling
Have you taken enough, yet?
Austin Kieff,
Photo Update,
Picture Day,
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Opening Day!
Saturday, April 6, 2013, was Opening Day for Zion Chapel Youth Sports. The kids were so excited Friday evening that they did not want to go to bed! We had to be at the sports complex at 7:45 (yes we made it...by the skin of our teeth). It was a beautiful day for baseball!
Both kiddos are #12! Austin Kieff is #12 because of Uncle John Wayne and certain former Troy Trojan Mr. Tyler Ray. Austin Kieff is wearing his Uncle John Wayne's helmet which also has an in memory of AKS decal making it extra special for him since he is named after Austin. Caroline chose #12 for the same reasons and one additional...her brother is #12!
Both kids had a wonderful time. Austin Kieff's team did not win, but they played a great ballgame.
Caroline was a little nervous during the team introductions:
Austin Kieff came out like a vet:
Both kids (and their parents) were so glad that Mr. Danny pronounced our family name correctly. It isn't hard to do, especially when you know we pronounce the "or" like "er." On a side rant (ha!), I did not choose the way my husband's family name is pronounced, but I love him and am proud to carry his name. We will make every effort to keep in-tact the correct (for our family) pronunciation. Those who know us and care enough to get it right, we appreciate all the more. I have a whole other blog post dedicated to this little subject, maybe I will post it one day!
I just love these pictures of Caroline! She is such a cutie. I think she is going to LOVE ball. She definitely loves her pink glove and her pink bat! She had to a red helmet because it had glitter in it. The pink helmets were just plain pink with no sparkle!!
Finally putting the catcher equipment he has had for several years now to good use! Austin Kieff absolutely loves being behind the plate. Saturday, he played his little heart out. He had a good hit each time up to bat and did a great job behind the plate. These pictures show just how HAPPY he is.
Both kiddos are #12! Austin Kieff is #12 because of Uncle John Wayne and certain former Troy Trojan Mr. Tyler Ray. Austin Kieff is wearing his Uncle John Wayne's helmet which also has an in memory of AKS decal making it extra special for him since he is named after Austin. Caroline chose #12 for the same reasons and one additional...her brother is #12!
Both kids had a wonderful time. Austin Kieff's team did not win, but they played a great ballgame.
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